Terms and Conditions of Use 
  1. Purpose of This Document
This document informs you, the valuable visitor, about the content of this website and the conditions placed on its use. Please keep in mind that the terms below may change depending on many factors, including the interest and the Internet traffic attracted by this website. The visitor is urged, therefore, to consult these terms regularly. Below, the “author” refers to Oscar Seurat, one of the writers of Sudoku Stories: History, Art and Science in 101 Designer Puzzles
  1. Contents
The purpose of this free website is to provide information about the author and his work. You can find here previews of two editions of the author's book and links to online stores where it can be purchased.
  1. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty:
a) Although the author has made his best efforts in implementation of this site, it is provided “as is” without any representations or  warranties  with respect to this website’s operation,  reliability of the implemented functionality, or fitness for any purpose.  Specifically, the author cannot guarantee this free website’s reachability or existence on the Internet.

b)  Similarly, while the author has strived to make the information provided on this website as accurate, error-free, and as safe as possible, he cannot make any representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy, safety or completeness of this website’s contents.  Specifically, since the Internet is a constantly changing source of knowledge, the author cannot guarantee that the web links listed on this website are safe for the visitors’ devices, contain the indicated information, or even exist at the time of reading.

c)  To the author's best knowledge, books sold by the booksellers pointed to on this website meet or exceed reasonable expectations in terms of  their physical quality.  The author cannot be held responsible in any way for the infrequent defects or damage which can occur during the printing process or transport. Any claims regarding physical quality of particular copies should be directed to the bookseller from whom the defective book was purchased.
  1. Copyright � 2013 by Jacek Ossowski and Olivier Nicolas
All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, computer software, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews or scholarly analysis. This restriction includes, but is not limited to, public dissemination of any puzzle design derived from this work by a reordering of the digits 1 through 9 and applying the resulting mapping to the entries of any puzzle in this volume. For example, following the reversed order of digits: 9, 8, 7, ..., 2, 1, and mapping a grid’s 1s into 9s, 2s into 8s, 3s into 7s, and so on, produces a derived grid which, in terms of its relationship with the original, is analogous to a mirror image of an elaborate blueprint and cannot be considered as original work. Application of any such trivial mappings for the purpose of deriving a new design constitutes protected use of this work and is subject to the above restrictions.
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The visitor pledges that he or she will not knowingly engage in actions that would harm this website or diminish its capacity to function. Interfering with the operation of this website by illegal uploading of content, denial of service attacks, gaining an unauthorized entry or other disruptive and /or illegal techniques will be pursued to the fullest extent of the law. 

Document Last Updated: 12/17/2013